At Offshore Solutions, we highly value our clients’ needs for information and guidance, and we are always committed to providing the best support possible. However, it’s important for us to address a common concern regarding professional conduct and the boundaries of our business model.

While we are more than happy to offer an initial 30-minute consultation free of charge to discuss your needs through a phone call and explore how we can assist you, it’s crucial to acknowledge that our time and expertise are valuable resources. As such, continuously seeking free advice beyond this initial consultation whether through a phone call, by email or message board, is not aligned with professional behaviour.

We kindly ask our readers to understand that our business model is based on the services we offer, and like any business, we must ensure that our operational expenses are covered. This allows us to continue providing the high-quality services our clients expect and deserve.

We encourage open communication and collaboration with our clients, and we are always available to discuss how we can best assist you within the framework of our business model. Should you require further guidance or support beyond the initial consultation, we are more than happy to discuss our remuneration structure and provide you with the necessary information.

By respecting the professional boundaries of our business model, we can ensure a mutually beneficial relationship where both parties are able to achieve their goals effectively. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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